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This is the Wooby & Fotty Story...

Hello! My name is Lauren, and I am so happy you’re here.
I’ve been dreaming of making a show about childhood blankets for a long time. Growing up I was an anxious kid, and I relied on my blanket, Wooby, to keep me calm in stressful situations. My best friend, Erin (also anxious, thus best friends), did the same thing with her blanket, Fotty. They went everywhere with us. They were soft and familiar, they made us feel safe, and they eventually ended up as shredded fibers of soiled cotton after many years of so much love. And, yes, we both still have them.
Whenever I bring up having a blankie, people instantly relate. They tell me what they called their blankie and what it looked like. They tell me it helped get them through their parents' divorce, the arrival of a new sibling, or simply being afraid of the dark. And whether it was a blankie, a teddy, a lovie, a doll - it's clear that attaching to a security object provides immeasurable comfort to so many kids.
Having my own children - and witnessing their attachment to their blankies - pushed me to finally create the show I always wanted to make. Every episode is crafted with my twins in mind and how Wooby & Fotty can give them a place to turn with their big feelings. My kids have fallen in love with them, and I hope yours will, too.​
Check it out for yourself - and let me know what you called your blankie!